Before I write anything I want to consecrate this blog to Mary. Mother Mary, please bless those who read this blog and guide them to your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
The title of the blog is called "Mysterium Vitae" which is Latin for "The Mystery of Life."
It has been on my heart for the past few weeks to start a blog. Now that I've finished three years of seminary, one thing among many has become more and more apparent to me: People who do not live with a sense of mystery in life are bored, unhappy, and at times very negative. People who are not fully alive (St. Irenaeus) are not excited about waking up in the morning. Now do not get me wrong, there will be days when it is difficult to get out of bed, but there should eventually be some sense of wonder of what the day will bring. Without a sense of mystery or awe, life is boring or at times meaningless. When life is not full of mystery and wonder, we tend to fall into a negative, hopeless, and narcissistic dispositions. This can lead to an all too common quick-to-quit attitude along with a face that looks at electronics more than other human beings or nature. It also can lead to habits that will not satisfy the heart and will lead the soul into desolation/darkness. When I speak of mystery I do not mean fantasy because fantasy is focused only on the ego. I also do not mean being entertained because that again relates to pleasing the ego. What I do mean is that mystery is reality and being aware of God's providence. For example: Mystery is sacramental in its very nature because the Latin word sacramentum is translated in English into mystery. To use more modern language to be in the mystery of life is to
have one's "mind blown."
Thankfully, there is so much that is meant to be "unveiled" to us (cf. Exodus 34:29-35). If we freely allow the veil to be lifted just a little we will begin to see and participate in the mystery of life. However, we are all too often looking with a veil over our eyes and hearts, which blocks our ability to sense spiritual realities. The deepest reality is that the mystery of love, which is God (cf. 1 John 4:8) is more real than the chair you are sitting on. Unfortunately, without any sense mystery we block this reality from dwelling in our hearts. We remain in the darkness that the veil of little or no mystery casts over our eyes and hearts. There are many reasons for this and that is what I hope to dive into with this blog while giving some practical ways to unveil our lives to the mystery that is always before us. I will share from personal experience, information from books, scripture, catechism, classes, videos, etc to engage the mind and heart to unveil to the mystery of life.
For now I encourage you to pray with Psalm 46: Be Still and Know that I am God. Repeat it over and over in your heart of hearts. Give yourself some time. Take deep breaths. Be Patient and Be Still. Pay attention to the movements of your heart and pay attention to what thoughts come to mind. Notice how in the picture the water is calm while reflecting more clearly sun/son and that is one of the many pieces to the the mystery of life. If our souls are still as the water is still we will reflect the mysteries of life. We must spend time in silence everyday. Silence will magnify what is distracting you from what God desires to reveal to you. Then bring that distraction to Church this Sunday in your heart and listen what God desires to reveal to you. You can do it! Do not let the evil one accuse you of any less.
Living in the Mystery,
Zach Weber
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